Ancient demo virus

Too simple and old – but what modern antiviruses say?

I’ve just found my source code archive dated about twenty years ago. There was a simple DOS COM-files non-destructive infector, sized 287 bytes itself when compiled.

There was a try to write a prepender and show my teacher: “I know assembler kung-fu” (some int 21h function calls, to be honest, though with a feel of proud for careful dealing with memory).

Such executables are in fact not executable nowadays in modern Windows/cmd environment, nevertheless that causes (I suppose) quite an amusing result on virustotal: there are only ten…

…at least as of 2021-03-13.

This file certainly has never been in the wild, I have never neither run it outside my sandbox, nor checked with antivirus software, nor published it.

Keeping sure, modern defenders will not pass such simple undisguised malware, even without a signature in their database.

Joke mode ON Except, maybe, a case when a virus is too simple and undisguised to be detected by too smart and proactive tool.


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